This case study describes the performance-centered design of the "Eventful"
database application, which is designed to manage the administration and operations for an
event-based sales business. It was developed in part to support large art sales events in London. At the same time the design allowed for
extension of different aspects to support other businesses that run retail sales events.
Any event business has a work cycle that ebbs and flows based on how near it is to an
event. The business workload is dynamic, the prioritizing of tasks is based on the
calendar of events, temporary staff are involved during peak periods, and the quality of
administration is the most important factor for success if the goods
arent available for sale, and the sales arent processed effectively, there is
no business! The application was designed to bring the key areas of business operations
into one place, allowing data input staff and company management to quickly find what they
need in a dynamic work environment.
The Performance Issues Addressed
The key performance issues are:
- Constant interruption and changing task focus performers constantly receive
requests for information and changes to existing information by suppliers, customers, the
press and internal management.
- The daily routine is not routine it is rare for performers to routinely
follow a sequence of tasks. Work is "batched" based on the event cycle (such as
supplier inventories not being entered for months, and then thousands of entries being
made during a single month).
- Data consistency is crucial it is easy for performers to type in different
phrases that mean the same thing, making the ability to categorize and search data more
- Finger on the pulse management, who do not use computers regularly, need to
see quickly whether the business is on target in a number of areas sufficient
inventory, sufficient pricing, attendance for invitation-only previews, advertising
response, etc.
- Use of temporary staff immediately before and during events there is often an
increase in temporary staff. They take over tasks such as answering customer questions,
registering requests for tickets to an event, and managing inventory paperwork/queries to
check thousands of items as they arrive before an event.
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"Eventful" -
Performance-Centered Event Management Application
the users solution