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This is an IPGems presentation

Coming to Terms with Keywords

Duane Degler, IPGems


(pdf supporting this talk)

We'll talk about...

Generating Keywords and Tags

Taking advantage of the tools available from "Web 2.0"

Generating keywords and tags

Tags, clouds, divining patterns

Use of tag clouds on various sites

Generating keywords and tags

Cloud Generators (online)

Generating keywords and tags

Cloud Generators (embedded)

Extracting concepts and identifying language patterns

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it

...but it can be pretty powerful, too

Extracting concepts and patterns

What is concept extraction?

Extracting concepts and patterns

Term Extractor

Extracting concepts and patterns

Yahoo Term Extractor API

Extracting concepts and patterns

FeatureLens Text Pattern Analyzer

Finding Alternative Words and Phrases

A rose by any other name?

Finding alternative words and phrases

Recognition is easier than recall, even in formative stages

Finding alternative words and phrases


Finding alternative words and phrases

WordNet (Princeton University)

Borrowing Existing Vocabularies

There's a lot to learn from smart people and their published efforts

Borrowing existing vocabularies

A wealth of terminology helps broaden local vocabulary

Browsing Subject Domains

Fitting in with the existing landscape

Browsing subject domains

People are familiar with their subject domains

This is an IPGems presentation

Coming to Terms with Keywords

Duane Degler, IPGems


(pdf supporting this talk)